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Freelance Writer Guidelines

Mother Jones is a nonprofit investigative news organization that delivers bold and original multiplatform reporting on the urgent issues of our time, from democracy protection and climate change to extremism and beyond. Much like our namesake, the 20th-century union organizer Mary Harris “Mother” Jones—who battled child labor and was once referred to as “the most dangerous woman in America”—we punch above our weight in service of fairness and justice: Our political scoops, deep-dive reportage, and narrative storytelling reach 8 million readers every month.

While most stories we publish come from staff reporters, we are always on the lookout for smart ideas from freelance writers, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds and who report on underrepresented communities. You can pitch editors directly via email—take a look at our staff page to get a sense of their areas of interest.

Fees and payment

Our rates are based on a writer’s experience, our experience with the writer, article type, and the difficulty of the reporting and editing required. For print, rates start at $1.75 per word. For online, rates start at $0.75 a word. We pay 1/3 of the fee upon submission of a first draft, and the rest as soon as possible after publication.

What we’re looking for 

We commission stories that are revelatory and dynamic, the kind that teach readers something they didn’t already know—be it a dark force warping an issue or affecting a community, or an undercovered solution to some of our most intractable problems. For stories with a primarily local context, you’ll need to demonstrate their national relevance to our far-flung audience; meanwhile, international pitches should have a strong domestic connection. 

We’re interested in just about anything that will raise our readers’ eyebrows, but we focus especially on these areas: national politics, democracy protection and restoration, racial and economic justice, climate and the environment, corporate wrongdoing, and human rights.


Smart” signifies intelligence and wisdom. It indicates that Mother Jones is committed to providing in-depth, rational, and insightful journalism. The magazine focuses on unraveling the complexities of issues, offering profound analysis, and providing readers with a deep understanding.

Fearless Journalism

“Fearless Journalism” means courageous and bold reporting. It emphasizes the magazine’s commitment to pursuing the truth, exposing injustice, and addressing sensitive issues with bravery and determination. Journalists at Mother Jones strive to courageously report on topics that may be controversial or face pressure, aiming to drive social change and public discourse.